
In search of a digni­fied life thou­sands of refu­gees and migrants die at the bor­ders of Euro­pe. The­se are peo­p­le who are dri­ven from their home­lands by war, per­se­cu­ti­on, vio­lence and mise­ra­ble living con­di­ti­ons. In order to escape they squeeze into tiny boats, hide in lor­ries, sleep in very basic camp­si­tes or in front of

In search of a digni­fied life thou­sands of refu­gees and migrants die at the bor­ders of Euro­pe. The­se are peo­p­le who are dri­ven from their home­lands by war, per­se­cu­ti­on, vio­lence and mise­ra­ble living con­di­ti­ons. In order to escape they squeeze into tiny boats, hide in lor­ries, sleep in very basic camp­si­tes or in front of high secu­ri­ty bor­der con­trols. Drow­ning, suf­fo­ca­ti­on or dying of thirst are fre­quent occur­ren­ces. Many die of exhaustion.

Ger­ma­ny and other EU sta­tes react towards tho­se see­king pro­tec­tion at its bor­ders with armed resis­tance and deterrence.

We demand:

  • Stop the death­trap at the EU bor­ders! FRONTEX acti­vi­ties which vio­la­te human rights must cease!
  • Human life must be saved. If someone is in dan­ger of drow­ning befo­re our eyes, we must help. 
  • Refu­gees must be pro­tec­ted. Access to fair asyl­um pro­ce­du­res in Euro­pe must be gua­ran­teed. The Gen­e­va Refu­gee Con­ven­ti­on and the Euro­pean Con­ven­ti­on on Human Rights must be upheld. 

Cam­paign-Web­page: www.stoppt-das-sterben.eu/en/index.html

Appeal „Stop the death­trap“: PDF Down­load