
On Febru­ary 21, 2008 PRO ASYL has filed a peti­ti­on with the Peti­ti­on Com­mit­tee of the Ger­man Fede­ral Par­lia­ment, reques­t­ing to stop all depor­ta­ti­ons of asyl­um-see­kers to Greece based on the EU Coun­cil Regu­la­ti­on known as Dub­lin II. The­re are gra­ve reasons to sus­pend all deportations: Curr­ent­ly, the Greek asyl­um sys­tem does not gua­ran­tee effec­ti­ve access

On Febru­ary 21, 2008 PRO ASYL has filed a peti­ti­on with the Peti­ti­on Com­mit­tee of the Ger­man Fede­ral Par­lia­ment, reques­t­ing to stop all depor­ta­ti­ons of asyl­um-see­kers to Greece based on the EU Coun­cil Regu­la­ti­on known as Dub­lin II.

The­re are gra­ve reasons to sus­pend all deportations:

  • Curr­ent­ly, the Greek asyl­um sys­tem does not gua­ran­tee effec­ti­ve access to the asyl­um pro­ce­du­re or a hea­ring for the appli­cant when lodging an asyl­um appli­ca­ti­on. Due to their sheer num­ber, many asyl­um appli­ca­ti­ons are not regis­tered at all by the aut­ho­ri­ties in charge.
  • As docu­men­ted by PRO ASYL, asyl­um-see­kers are detai­ned in Greece wit­hout any legal basis after having been retur­ned from Ger­ma­ny. In one of the­se cases the refu­gee is even threa­ten­ed by depor­ta­ti­on to the per­se­cu­ting country.
  • After their release asyl­um-see­kers are facing home­l­ess­ness sin­ce Greece does not offer enough accom­mo­da­ti­on, not even close.
  • Chan­ces for peo­p­le from Iraq to be ack­now­led­ged as refu­gees have vir­tual­ly drop­ped to zero in 2007. They are not gran­ted any pro­tec­tion accor­ding to the GFC.

Fol­lo­wing the upset­ting reports from Greece Nor­way has sus­pen­ded trans­fers to Greece under the Dub­lin II regu­la­ti­on as from 7 Febru­ary 2008 (Decis­i­on of the first asyl­um ins­tance court). Ger­ma­ny refu­ses to do the same. Asyl­um-see­kers are still depor­ted to Greece. PRO ASYL demands that the­se depor­ta­ti­ons are stop­ped immediately!

[Peti­ti­on „Stop Depor­ta­ti­ons to Greece“]