Protected only on paper: beneficiaries of international protection in Greece

The current living conditions of beneficiaries of international protection in Greece are alarming. In a detailed legal note, PRO ASYL and the team of Refugee Support Aegean (RSA) in Greece have observed that their rights and effective protection exist only on paper.
In a legal note incluÂding a series of conÂducÂted interÂviews with affecÂted refuÂgees, the experts stress that beneÂfiÂciÂaÂries of interÂnaÂtioÂnal proÂtecÂtion receiÂve no effecÂtiÂve access and enjoyÂment of social rights in Greece.
BeneÂfiÂciÂaÂries of interÂnaÂtioÂnal proÂtecÂtion are defiÂned as aliÂens or staÂteÂlÂess perÂsons who have been recoÂgniÂzed as refuÂgees or beneÂfiÂciÂaÂries of subÂsiÂdiaÂry proÂtecÂtion staÂtus. The living conÂdiÂtiÂons for this group of refuÂgees in Greece are preÂcaÂrious. Not only do they sufÂfer from the lack of inteÂgraÂtiÂon proÂsÂpects into the Greek socieÂty, but they are often facing inaÂdeÂquaÂte living conÂdiÂtiÂons and humaÂniÂtaÂriÂan stanÂdards, a preÂcaÂrious socio-ecoÂnoÂmic situaÂtiÂon, and even have proÂblems in secuÂring their very existence.
Poor and inadequate housing
Many interÂnaÂtioÂnalÂly proÂtecÂted refuÂgees live in abanÂdoÂned houÂses or inforÂmalÂly renÂted and overÂcÂrowÂded apartÂments under deploÂrable conÂdiÂtiÂons, in abanÂdoÂned ruins in Athens, on conÂsÂtrucÂtion sites in ThesÂsaÂloÂniÂki or in empÂty facÂtoÂry halls in Patras. Some have been evicÂted or face evicÂtion witÂhout alterÂnaÂtiÂve; others sleep on the streets or in friÂends’ houÂses. Others are left to remain in the »temÂpoÂraÂry« accomÂmoÂdaÂtiÂon camps or UNHCR accomÂmoÂdaÂtiÂon scheÂme or even in the so calÂled hotÂspots for seveÂral months after their recoÂgniÂtiÂon wheÂre they are subÂjecÂted to the same inaÂdeÂquaÂte conÂdiÂtiÂons as the appliÂcants for interÂnaÂtioÂnal protection.
Poor living conditions, no jobs, no prospects
As the RSA legal note shows, access to food, toiÂlet, water, elecÂtriÂciÂty, saniÂtaÂry faciÂliÂties and secuÂriÂty is not always secuÂred. BeneÂfiÂciÂaÂries often sufÂfer from the cold during the winÂter months or from the heat during the sumÂmer months. Many surÂviÂve only by relyÂing on the soliÂdaÂriÂty of others.
Many of the refuÂgees are hardÂly making a living. As the anaÂlyÂsis shows, most beneÂfiÂciÂaÂries of interÂnaÂtioÂnal proÂtecÂtion are jobless or have lost their job witÂhout any proÂsÂpect of finÂding anoÂther one. Some of them work in the inforÂmal ecoÂnoÂmy for very low pay, witÂhout insuÂrance, and are in danÂger of being exploited.
Little or no access to information
Most of the affecÂted refuÂgees are not proÂperÂly inforÂmed on their rights and obliÂgaÂtiÂons. In many cases, they face serious restÂricÂtions by law and pracÂtiÂce to access social beneÂfits and encounÂter seveÂre difÂfiÂculÂties in effecÂtively accesÂsing the health and eduÂcaÂtiÂon system.
In an offiÂciÂal inforÂmaÂtiÂon docuÂment disÂtriÂbuÂted by the Greek AsylÂum SerÂvice, beneÂfiÂciÂaÂries of interÂnaÂtioÂnal proÂtecÂtion are inforÂmed that the staÂte canÂnot offer them shelÂter, nor can it guaÂranÂtee social beneÂfits or access to the labor market.
Severe consequences for the refugees
Living under such conÂdiÂtiÂons, the beneÂfiÂciÂaÂries of interÂnaÂtioÂnal proÂtecÂtion are easiÂly tarÂgeÂted and sufÂfer from secuÂriÂty proÂblems, vioÂlence (in parÂtiÂcuÂlar genÂder-based vioÂlence against women and childÂren), exploÂitaÂtiÂon and racist attacks.
The lack of any inteÂgraÂtiÂon scheÂme in Greece and the obsÂtaÂcles accesÂsing social rights and the deploÂrable living conÂdiÂtiÂons of beneÂfiÂciÂaÂries of interÂnaÂtioÂnal proÂtecÂtion impeÂde furÂther inteÂgraÂtiÂon steps, such as long term resiÂdenÂcy and natioÂnaÂliÂty (which requiÂre as a preÂconÂdiÂtiÂon a miniÂmum incoÂme and social secuÂriÂty, as well as knowÂledge of the Greek lanÂguage and society).
For more details on the finÂdings, read the full legal note here.
About Refugee Support Aegean
RefuÂgee SupÂport AegeÂan (RSA) is a Greek non-proÂfit orgaÂnizaÂtiÂon focuÂsing on straÂteÂgic litiÂgaÂtiÂons in supÂport of refuÂgees, moniÂtoÂring human rights vioÂlaÂtiÂons, as well as the proÂviÂsiÂon of legal, social and humaÂniÂtaÂriÂan supÂport in indiÂviÂduÂal cases. MemÂbers of the orgaÂnizaÂtiÂon are based on the islands and on the mainÂland and visit difÂfeÂrent parts of Greece in order to docuÂment the situaÂtiÂon theÂre. RSA is the impleÂmenÂting partÂner of the PRO ASYL founÂdaÂtiÂon proÂject RSPA-RefuÂgee SupÂport ProÂgram AegeÂan in Greece.