Helps thousands of boat refugees in distress at sea: the Eritrean priest and refugee aid worker Father Mussie Zerai. Photo: Reuters/ Alessandro Bianchi

For many, his number is the last hope: the PRO ASYL Foundation awards its human rights award 2016 to the priest and refugee aid worker Mussie Zerai, who has been involved in the rescue of refugees in distress at sea for more than ten years with unparalleled effort.

Mus­sie Zerai knows what it means to arri­ve in a for­eign socie­ty. He was 16 years old when he arri­ved in Ita­ly in 1992 as a refu­gee. In the first years he deli­vers news­pa­pers, sells fruit, and trans­la­tes for a Bri­tish priest. Later he stu­dies theo­lo­gy and phi­lo­so­phy. After his ordi­na­ti­on to priest­hood the Catho­lic Church in Rome sends him to Switz­er­land as a minister.

Fate of refugees won’t let go of him

When an Ita­li­an jour­na­list asks him in 2003 if he could help him as an inter­pre­ter in a Liby­an pri­son, Zerai for the first time comes into cont­act with Eri­tre­an refu­gees on their way to Euro­pe. The sto­ries of his com­pa­tri­ots won’t let go of him from then on and he sees it as his duty to help.

Calls in dire distress

Soon after his visit to pri­son he recei­ves calls from peo­p­le he met the­re and a litt­le later also from refu­gees in distress at sea. Someone had etched Mus­sie Zerai’s pho­ne num­ber into a pri­son wall with the note: »In emer­gen­ci­es, call this number!«

»Dear Baba, help us quickly«

So sin­ce 2004 the pho­ne num­ber of the dedi­ca­ted priest is the last hope for many boat peo­p­le – and in many cases instru­men­tal in their res­cue. »Dear Baba, help us quick­ly. We have no food, no water and the mobi­le pho­ne bat­tery is almost emp­ty«, Mus­sie Zerai has recei­ved thou­sands of distress calls like this for more than ten years.

»When I hear that someone is in distress, then it is my human respon­si­bi­li­ty to help.«

Father Mus­sie Zerai

Saved thousands of lives

When calls from distress at sea reach him, Zerai imme­dia­te­ly cont­acts the Ita­li­an coast guard. He lear­ned quick­ly what is important, if a res­cue attempt is to be suc­cessful. The Ita­li­an coast guard esti­ma­tes that Mus­sie Zerai has saved the lives of seve­ral thousand peo­p­le to this day. The priest can be rea­ched around the clock. When he sleeps, his mobi­le pho­ne sits on his night stand, when he cele­bra­tes mass, someone „guards“ it for him.

Hold the responsible accountable

In 2006 Zerai foun­ded the aid orga­niza­ti­on „Agen­zia Habes­hia“ in Ita­ly, who­se task it is, among other things, to sup­port migrants and refu­gees in their dealings with aut­ho­ri­ties and in mat­ters of inte­gra­ti­on. Soon Zerai and his orga­niza­ti­on also enga­ge in lob­by­ing and public rela­ti­ons work, he speaks on the radio and tele­vi­si­on, wri­tes to poli­ti­ci­ans and aid orga­niza­ti­ons. It is important for him to hold the peo­p­le respon­si­ble accoun­ta­ble. Asked for his moti­va­ti­on, Zerai sim­ply ans­wers: »When I hear that someone is in distress, then it is my human respon­si­bi­li­ty to help.«

Commitment that inspires others

Mus­sie Zerai’s com­mit­ment inspi­res imi­ta­ti­on: decisi­ve­ly infor­med by his exam­p­le, acti­vists of the moni­to­ring-pro­ject „Watch the Med“ have in 2014 estab­lished ano­ther hot­line for refu­gees in distress at sea, the „Alarm Pho­ne“. The PRO ASYL Foun­da­ti­on honors Mus­sie Zerai and his tire­less effort for the res­cue and admis­si­on of refu­gees in distress at sea with its human rights award 2016.