For a European system of rescue at sea!
With a public appeal PRO ASYL urges the European Parliament to establish an European system of rescue at sea and to open up legal and non-dangerous routes to Europe.
“We canÂnot allow more peoÂpÂle to die. LamÂpeÂduÂsa must be a turÂning point for EuroÂpean refuÂgee poliÂcy.” TheÂse were the words of the PreÂsiÂdent of the EuroÂpean ParÂliaÂment, MarÂtin Schulz, after the 366 refuÂgees lost their lives off LamÂpeÂduÂsa on 3 OctoÂber 2013. But today – one year later – theÂre is still no safe entÂry for thoÂse seeÂking protection.
Our public appeal urges MarÂtin Schulz as RepreÂsenÂtaÂtiÂve of The EuroÂpean ParÂliaÂment: The EU must stop peoÂpÂle dying at its exterÂnal borÂders and open up legal, non-danÂgeÂrous rouÂtes for refuÂgees. A EuroÂpean sea resÂcue serÂvice needs to be estabÂlished. The EuroÂpean ParÂliaÂment must immeÂdiaÂteÂly alloÂcaÂte the requiÂred finanÂcial resources.
Join our appeal and send the folÂloÂwing to martin.schulz(at)
The PreÂsiÂdent of the EuroÂpean ParÂliaÂment
Mr MarÂtin Schulz
Rue Wiertz 60
1047 Brussels
Dear PreÂsiÂdent,
“We canÂnot allow more peoÂpÂle to die. LamÂpeÂduÂsa must be a turÂning point for EuroÂpean refuÂgee poliÂcy.” TheÂse were your words after the 366 refuÂgees lost their lives off LamÂpeÂduÂsa on 3 OctoÂber 2013. But today – one year later – theÂre is still no safe entÂry for thoÂse seeÂking protection.
The EU must stop peoÂpÂle dying at its exterÂnal borÂders and open up legal, non-danÂgeÂrous rouÂtes for refuÂgees. A EuroÂpean sea resÂcue serÂvice needs to be estabÂlished. The EuroÂpean ParÂliaÂment must immeÂdiaÂteÂly alloÂcaÂte the requiÂred finanÂcial resources.
PleaÂse take up this cauÂse with the aim of achieÂving proÂtecÂtion for refuÂgees at the exterÂnal borÂders of the EuroÂpean Union.
Yours sinÂceÂreÂly
Our Demands
The opeÂraÂtiÂon Mare NosÂtrum has to be conÂtinÂued. In view of the approx. 3000 deaths sinÂce JanuÂary 2014, an opeÂraÂtiÂon under EU leaÂderÂship must not just replace the preÂsent opeÂraÂtiÂon of the ItaÂliÂan navy, it must be expanÂded to avoÂid furÂther deaths. EuroÂpe has proÂpoÂsed a FronÂtex opeÂraÂtiÂon calÂled TriÂton but it canÂnot perÂform this cenÂtral task. Even FronÂtex does not tire of emphaÂsisÂing that the focus of its opeÂraÂtiÂons is borÂder conÂtrols, not resÂcue at sea.
Shift of refuÂgee routes
The FronÂtex staÂtisÂtics for irreÂguÂlar borÂder crossing in 2013 show a clear trend towards the danÂgeÂrous sea rouÂte. More than half of all perÂsons picked up (107,385) were fleÂeÂing over the seas. AccorÂding to FronÂtex 40,304 boat refuÂgees were resÂcued in the cenÂtral MediÂterÂraÂneÂan aloÂne, and in the AegeÂan just under 11,000. Over 15,000 SyriÂan refuÂgees used theÂse two danÂgeÂrous rouÂtes last year – in 2012 it was only about 1500. The numÂber of SyriÂan boat refuÂgees has increased tenÂfold in a very short time and this trend is conÂtiÂnuing in 2014 in draÂmaÂtic fashion. In ItaÂly aloÂne about 15,000 SyriÂan boat peoÂpÂle had arriÂve by the end of July, while the overÂall numÂber of refuÂgees coming ashore at this time was about 85,000. By the end of August a total of over 108,000 refuÂgees had taken the danÂgeÂrous sea rout to ItaÂly. MeanÂwhile the numÂber of deaths has risen to about 3000, with each week seeÂing new draÂmaÂtic disÂasÂters hapÂpeÂning due to unseaÂworÂtÂhy boats.
Mare NosÂtrum must be Europeanised
Through the ItaÂliÂan opeÂraÂtiÂon Mare NosÂtrum over 110,000 refuÂgees have alreÂaÂdy been resÂcued in the cenÂtral MediÂterÂraÂneÂan. Now the ItaÂliÂan governÂment intends to terÂmiÂnaÂte the sea resÂcue opeÂraÂtiÂon in OctoÂber of this year. In the sumÂmer, the EuroÂpean governÂments had still refuÂsed to alloÂcaÂte make funds to turn Mare NosÂtrum into a EuroÂpean sea resÂcue opeÂraÂtiÂon. About EUR 9 milÂliÂon per month was too much for the EuroÂpean governÂments to save tens of thouÂsands of human lives. In spiÂte of the resÂcue opeÂraÂtiÂons of Mare NosÂtrum over 2500 boat refuÂgees have lost their lives in the last four months aloÂne – a downÂsiÂzing of the opeÂraÂtiÂon would have had draÂmaÂtic conÂseÂquenÂces: even more deaths would be the foreÂseeable consequence.
Now a FronÂtex opeÂraÂtiÂon is to be deployÂed. EuroÂpean ComÂmisÂsioÂner for Home Affairs CeciÂlia MalmÂström proÂmiÂsed this to ItaÂliÂan inteÂriÂor minisÂter AngeÂliÂno AlfaÂno on 27 August. The preÂsentÂly disÂcusÂsed plans allow us to fear the worst: insÂtead of more sea resÂcues it looks like a Mare NosÂtrum light – with a strong focus on borÂder conÂtrols and proÂtecÂtion. FronÂtex itsÂelf admits that it will not be posÂsiÂble for it to “replace” Mare NosÂtrum. The finanÂcing of OpeÂraÂtiÂon TriÂton, someÂtiÂmes even calÂled FronÂtex Plus, will be cleÂarÂly below the funds spent on the ItaÂliÂan opeÂraÂtiÂon – accorÂding to FronÂtex the cosÂts will be about EUR 2.8 milÂliÂon per month. The deployÂment area is also to be reduÂced. While Mare NosÂtrum underÂtook resÂcue actions in LibyÂan coasÂtal waters, TriÂton is only to cover the preÂvious area of HerÂmes and Aenea – i.e. the ItaÂliÂan coasÂtal waters.
FronÂtex inteÂrim direcÂtor Gil AriÂas conÂfirmÂed at his preÂsenÂtaÂtiÂon of the new opeÂraÂtiÂon to the EuroÂpean ParÂliaÂment on 4 SepÂtemÂber 2014: “Neither the misÂsiÂon, nor the resourÂces perÂmit a replaÂceÂment”. TheÂre is a “funÂdaÂmenÂtal difÂfeÂrence”, he said, betÂween TriÂton and Mare NosÂtrum. While the latÂter was a “seek and resÂcue opeÂraÂtiÂon”, TriÂton would focus on “borÂder conÂtrols”. CeciÂlia MalmÂström likeÂwiÂse conÂfirmÂed on 3 SepÂtemÂber 2014, that FronÂtex Plus could not replace Mare NosÂtrum. TheÂse opiÂniÂons leaÂve no doubt that with FronÂtex Plus (or TriÂton, a Joint OpeÂraÂtiÂon) the death toll will conÂtiÂnue to rise.
Saving lives – receiÂving refuÂgees with solidarity
Only a EuroÂpeaÂniÂsaÂtiÂon of sea resÂcue can preÂvent this hapÂpeÂning – and FronÂtex is not a sea resÂcue agenÂcy! Hence the urgenÂcy of estabÂliÂshing a civil EuroÂpean sea resÂcue serÂvice. The EuroÂpean ParÂliaÂment superÂviÂses the EU budÂget and can thus immeÂdiaÂteÂly alloÂcaÂte the necesÂsaÂry resourÂces to set up a EuroÂpean sea resÂcue serÂvice. Until this plan is impleÂmenÂted, Mare NosÂtrum must be conÂtinÂued, strengÂtheÂned and, aboÂve all, fulÂly finanÂced by the EuroÂpean UniÂon and its memÂber staÂtes. The MediÂterÂraÂneÂan is not only our comÂmon sea – action to resÂcue boat refuÂgees is a comÂmon EuroÂpean responsibility.
An intra-EuroÂpean soliÂdaÂriÂty mechaÂnism is necesÂsaÂry to flank a comÂpreÂhenÂsiÂve sea resÂcue opeÂraÂtiÂon. RefuÂgees who arriÂve e.g. in ItaÂly, MalÂta or Greece, must get the opporÂtuÂniÂty to traÂvel on to anoÂther EU memÂber staÂte. This must be made posÂsiÂble parÂtiÂcuÂlarÂly in cases in which theÂre are famiÂly conÂnecÂtions or comÂmuÂniÂty netÂworks in cerÂtain countÂries. It would be an act of humaÂniÂty but also a conÂtriÂbuÂtiÂon to more soliÂdaÂriÂty betÂween EU memÂber states.
OpeÂning up legal and non-danÂgeÂrous rouÂtes to Europe
We are greatÂly conÂcerÂned about the initiaÂtiÂve by the inteÂriÂor minisÂters from GerÂmaÂny, France, the UK, Spain and PolÂand, who wroÂte to CeciÂlia MalmÂström, still serÂving as comÂmisÂsioÂner for home affairs, on 9 SepÂtemÂber 2014. In their letÂter they outÂline how they see the soluÂtiÂon “of the migraÂtiÂon proÂblem in the MediÂterÂraÂneÂan”. One prioÂriÂty would be action for betÂter superÂviÂsiÂon of the exterÂnal borÂders and migraÂtiÂon flows into the EU, they wroÂte, also a stronÂger effort to thwart gangs of peoÂpÂle smuggÂlers and stronÂger coopeÂraÂtiÂon by the EU and the tranÂsit staÂtes and countÂries of oriÂgin affecÂted by the migraÂtiÂon issue. InsÂtead of requesÂtÂing improÂved sea resÂcue and the creaÂtiÂon of legal ways for refuÂgees to reach EuroÂpe, they focus on more effiÂciÂent proÂtecÂtion of the borders.
ThouÂsands of refuÂgees from Syria, EriÂtrea and SomaÂlia strand in Libya, wheÂre they are expoÂsed to serious human rights vioÂlaÂtiÂons – the only optiÂon remaiÂning to them is the periÂlous and reguÂlarÂly fatal voyaÂge across the MediÂterÂraÂneÂan. RefuÂgees in LibyÂan tranÂsit should be rapidly evacuaÂted and receiÂve proÂtecÂtion in Europe.
Over 3 milÂliÂon SyriÂan refuÂgees have fled their counÂtry by now. Many of them have famiÂly memÂbers who alreÂaÂdy live in EuroÂpean countÂries. In view of the sufÂfeÂring of refuÂgees at the gates of EuroÂpe, the EuroÂpean UniÂon is obliÂged to take coorÂdiÂnaÂted action to receiÂve perÂsons seeÂking proÂtecÂtion (with the aid of humaÂniÂtaÂriÂan recepÂtiÂon proÂgramÂmes or resettlement).
FurÂtherÂmoÂre, the EuroÂpean UniÂon must guaÂranÂtee that theÂre are no more push-backs at its land and sea borÂders: such refouÂleÂment is an infÂrinÂgeÂment of interÂnaÂtioÂnal law.
LamÂpeÂduÂsa must introÂduÂce a chanÂge of courÂse in EuroÂpean refuÂgee poliÂcy! Mare NosÂtrum must be EuroÂpeaÂnisÂed and expanÂded. In order to preÂvent refuÂgees taking to theÂse boats at the risk of their lives, EuroÂpe must open safer rouÂtes for refugees.