Statement: No to this Dublin IV regulation!
December 2016
On 4 May 2016 the EuroÂpean ComÂmisÂsiÂon subÂmitÂted a proÂpoÂsal to chanÂge the DubÂlin III ReguÂlaÂtiÂon, which sets out comÂpeÂtenÂces for asylÂum proÂceÂduÂres within the EuroÂpean UniÂon. The proÂpoÂsal is part of a comÂpleÂte reviÂsiÂon of the ComÂmon EuroÂpean AsylÂum System.
The signaÂtoÂry orgaÂniÂsaÂtiÂons advoÂcaÂte for coheÂsiÂon within the EuroÂpean UniÂon (EU) and the safeÂguarÂding of the indiÂviÂduÂal right to asylÂum for refuÂgees. HoweÂver, the curÂrent proÂpoÂsals of the ComÂmisÂsiÂon aggravaÂte the proÂblems of the exisÂting DubÂlin ReguÂlaÂtiÂon and proÂviÂde for a sysÂteÂmaÂtic exterÂnaÂliÂsaÂtiÂon of refuÂgee proÂtecÂtion to countÂries outÂside the EU. This is a blaÂtant infÂrinÂgeÂment of the basic prinÂciÂples of our EuroÂpean comÂmuÂniÂty of values, which is based on human rights.